


Quality and Safety

  • 2023.05.31
    【Product recall drills】
    The production sites of the Group exercised mock recalls in November 2022 in response to the requirements of the newly revised “Drug Recall Management Measures” to evaluate the effectiveness of the recall system, which was used to verify the appropriateness of the recall procedures and ensured that the product recall management continued to meet the relevant regulatory requirements.
    The mock recall work focused on recall batches, recall quantities and recall time limits, and modified the original drug recall process by adding recall information release to the public and reporting to the drug regulatory authorities to meet the regulatory requirements.
    The scope of the evaluation of the effectiveness of this mock recall included the competency of the personnel involved in the mock recall, the applicability and usability of the drug recall process and other aspects. This mock recall was evaluated to be successful and the recall process met the management requirements.
  • 2022.06.30
    【Testing capacity building project】
    In order to continuously improve the group’s product testing capacity and ensure product quality, all the sites involved in production and research and development have set up product testing laboratories to test the quality of all the products within the sites. In 2022, Sino Biopharmaceutical carried out testing capacity building project, further upgraded the product testing laboratories of all production and research sites and strengthen the internal product testing capabilities of all member companies of the Group.
  • 2022.06.30
    【Product Quality Safety and Responsible Marketing Audit】
    From February to June 2022, the Audit Department of Sino Biopharmaceutical carried out the 2021 annual audit of member companies, and conducted compliance audits on product quality, responsible marketing, and safety risk control. The audit content includes product technical specifications, production process control, equipment and facilities maintenance, safe production system and nonconforming product treatment, product publicity and promotion compliance, etc. According to the audit results, relevant enterprises have completed the corresponding rectification work.
  • Quality Management System Certification
    【Quality Management System Certification】
    Sino Biopharmaceutical requires member companies to actively carry out product quality certification, key member company Chia Tai Tianqing has obtained the ISO9001 quality management system certification, receives China Quality Certification Center (CQC) re-certification audit every 3 years, and receives CQC supervision and audit every year during the validity period, to ensure the continuous compliance and effectiveness of the quality management system.
  • 2022.06.30
    【Responsible Marketing Training】
    In view of the large number of marketing personnel and limited training resources, Chia Tai Tianqing selects middle-level managers with excellent compliance awareness as compliance ambassadors of the region or department to organize small compliance learning sessions within their business scope. The communication channels between compliance and business are broadened, the compliance culture is spread, the compliance concept is deepened by the compliance ambassador training. As a result, the value of correct behavior is formed among employees.
  • 2022.04.30
    【The Audit Process of the First Category Supplier】
    A packaging material company provides our company with product cartons, which is the first category supplier of our company, we conduct on-site audit on the company every 5 years.
    In April 2022, the on-site audit team composed of the Quality Assurance Department and the Procurement Execution Department of Chia Tai Tianqing conducted an on-site review of the supplier and reviewed the relevant documents and records of the supplier. The audit team communicates with the supplier about the problems found during the on-site audit, and asks the supplier to formulate corrective actions and time limit. After audit, the company's production and quality management meets the production requirements of Chia Tai Tianqing, the company is allowed to continue as a qualified carton supplier of Chia Tai Tianqing.
  • Quality culture construction
    Quality culture construction
    【Quality culture construction】
    In October 2021, Sino biopharmaceutical member company Chia Tai Tianqing carried out the eighth Quality Month activities.
    With the theme of "Quality strengthens company -- be error-free and march toward zero defects", this quality month activity covers a number of activities such as training, essay contest and competition. Through the digital learning platform of Tianqing University, all staff carried out quality related video course training. In this quality month activity, 207 articles were submitted for quality contest, 118 articles were submitted for lecturer selection course, and 1514 people participated in the online competition.
    The quality month activity is an important channel to improve the quality awareness and level of all staff. The results of quality month activities can also be applied to daily work to further improve quality and efficiency.
  • 2021.07.31
    【Chia Tai Tianqing Research Institute Laboratory Obtained CNAS Certification】
    Sino Biopharmaceutical continues to increase investment, sets up a professional biological sample analysis team, and builds industry-leading quality testing hardware level. With four-year construction, Chia Tai Tianqing Research Institute, successfully obtained the laboratory accreditation of China National Accreditation for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) in July, 2021, which was in accordance with ISO/IEC 170025:2017 Testing and Calibration Laboratory Capacity of General Requirements CNAS national certification standards.